Do Deer Eat Irises? [How to Stop Them]

Most love the sight of a deer leaping and gallivanting about in the flower-covered meadows, but when it comes to your irises or other garden plants, they can become quite the nuisance. Many of the plants in the garden turn into a deer’s all-you-can-eat buffet. You look one morning to find that your irises were … Read more

What Animals Eat Irises? The Answer Here…

Irises grow easily enough, but you may encounter one problem with them—as pretty as you find them, animals love to eat them. How can you stop animals from eating your irises? First, understand the types of animals that eat irises. What animals eat irises? Rabbits, moles, insects, voles, deer and ground squirrels all eat irises … Read more

Squirrels Eating Your Roses: Here’s Why…

You planted some roses with the purpose of enjoying them, only to have the squirrels come in and eat them before they could grow. Not only do they gobble down the climbing new shoots, but they also eat the rose buds too. Why do squirrels eat roses? Roses smell lovely to squirrels, which can draw … Read more