Why Are My Cactus Spines Turning Yellow?

cacti with yellow spines

So, you initially bought a cactus with white spines, but later on, it turned yellow. You might think something is wrong with it, or perhaps you think it might indicate an unhealthy growth. Do not panic yet! Not all cactus that exhibit color change through their spines mean something is wrong with your little plant. … Read more

Best Pot for Christmas Cactus

Christmas cacti have been around since the 1800s. It emerged as the hybrid of the “Thanksgiving cactus” and the “Easter cactus”. The first hybrids bore cherry-red flowers that bloom from around November to January. Today, the Christmas cactus became a popular houseplant and a great gift for the holiday.  One common misconception about the Christmas … Read more

Can Christmas Cactus Survive Outside? [Get the Answer]

Maybe you’ve thought to take your Christmas cactus outside, but you worry that the weather might kill it. Especially if you grew it from seed, you may feel attached and don’t want to risk harm to your Christmas cactus. Can Christmas cactus survive outside?  Christmas cacti can survive outside, but you must think about climate … Read more

Ultimate Guide: Christmas Cactus Root Rot

You go to check your Christmas cactus only to learn that it might be experiencing root rot. Whenever a Christmas cactus starts to have this form in its root, you must act fast, or you will lose your plant. Once root rot progresses past a certain point where all the roots have it, you can’t … Read more

Cactus Root System: 6 Things That Will Surprise You!

The cactus root system differs from the root systems of other plants, and if you want a lush and thriving group of cacti, it’s important to understand how they differ. Without this knowledge, you could accidentally kill your cactus plant because what works with other plants will lead to root rot with a cactus. Let’s … Read more

Do Cacti Grow in Sand? [Learn More Here]

Cacti have grown in popularity as a houseplant over the years, but someone new to the cactus may wonder about the soil that it grows in. That matters because if you pick the wrong soil with a cactus, you can inadvertently kill your plant before it ever starts to grow. Keep in mind that with … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Christmas Cactus? [+Pet Safety Tips]

Many rabbits will see houseplants as a source of curiosity, but with the knowledge that most houseplants can poison your rabbit, you may wonder if a Christmas cactus can prove deadly to your bunny. You want to keep most houseplants out of reach since it will often lead to poisoning. Rabbits are very sensitive this … Read more