Why Is My Christmas Cactus Turning Purple?

Christmas cactus is a popular indoor plant because of its vibrant colors. However, seeing the purple discoloration on its leaves and stem brings concern about your plant’s well-being.  Why is my Christmas cactus turning purple? A Christmas cactus turns purple as a response to environmental stress, such as too much light, to protect itself from … Read more

Why Are My Cactus Spines Turning Yellow?

cacti with yellow spines

So, you initially bought a cactus with white spines, but later on, it turned yellow. You might think something is wrong with it, or perhaps you think it might indicate an unhealthy growth. Do not panic yet! Not all cactus that exhibit color change through their spines mean something is wrong with your little plant. … Read more

Best Pot for Christmas Cactus

Christmas cacti have been around since the 1800s. It emerged as the hybrid of the “Thanksgiving cactus” and the “Easter cactus”. The first hybrids bore cherry-red flowers that bloom from around November to January. Today, the Christmas cactus became a popular houseplant and a great gift for the holiday.  One common misconception about the Christmas … Read more

10 Stunning Cactus with Pink Flowers

Are you looking for a cactus plant that bears pink flowers? We got you covered. Cacti with pink flowers aren’t hard to find. Upon doing research, we found different species of cacti that produce pink flowers – with Opuntia, or also known as the prickly pear cactus, as the most common one. To know more … Read more

How To Pollinate Lithops

After three years of waiting, your lithops finally bear flowers. As a first-time plant owner, you want to know how growers get seeds of these incredible succulents. To produce seeds, flowering plants such as lithops must undergo pollination. How to pollinate lithops? Lithops pollinate through cross-pollination. To perform cross-pollination, transfer the pollen grains of one lithop … Read more